by titangaragedoors | Aug 15, 2022 | Blog, Garage Door Maintenance, Garage Door Repair, Garage Doors
Like any other mechanical device, your commercial garage door needs regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly. However, a little preventative care can go a long way toward prolonging the life of your garage door and avoiding the need for expensive repairs. If...
by titangaragedoors | Aug 1, 2022 | Blog, Garage Door Maintenance, Garage Door Repair, Garage Doors
The garage door spring is an integral part of the garage door system. There are a variety of different options when it comes to choosing a replacement torsion spring for your garage door. The decision will come down to what kind of spring is most appropriate for the...
by titangaragedoors | Jul 25, 2022 | Blog, Garage Door Maintenance, Garage Door Repair, Garage Doors
Screw-drive garage door openers are a type of residential garage door opener. Suppose you are looking to replace your current garage door opener or need to purchase one for a newly built home. In that case, you may already know that the market offers various opener...
by titangaragedoors | Jul 18, 2022 | Blog, Garage Door Maintenance, Garage Door Repair, Garage Doors
Buying the right garage door hinges is necessary since they are an integral part of your garage door. In addition, you want to be sure that you make the right purchase and price range for your project. However, with many different hinges available, it is easy to lose...
by titangaragedoors | Jul 11, 2022 | Blog, Garage Door Installation, Garage Doors
The man door is a component of the garage door design style that has recently gained popularity in commercial applications. A man door has the power to improve the functionality and aesthetics of a commercial garage door. Moreover, these doors can be both beneficial...
by titangaragedoors | Jul 4, 2022 | Blog, Garage Door Maintenance, Garage Door Repair, Garage Doors
One of the most expensive mobile furniture in your home or business area is likely your garage door. A garage door may appear to be one enormous piece, but it comprises numerous connected parts. It may also appear to be the simplest thing when your door is...